Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Why The Sky?

"The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky displays what His hands have made."
(Psalm 19:1)

After looking up for over sixty years, I've been blessed to see many amazing sunsets, sunrises, thunder storms, and amazing cloud formations.

And in light of the words from the psalmist, I begin to see why the sky is there.

To declare God's glory.

So many times when I've been driving out in the wide open spaces, or standing knee deep in a river somewhere, I've had to stop and just look up in awe and see the incredible, vast sky-scapes that God has painted with His divine paint brush. It makes you start to see just how small you are and how infinitely beautiful... how glorious He is.

So much majesty and awesome beauty has been placed in the sky to keep us looking up.

At The End of My Line