Many of the young boys who attempt suicide are growing up without a father in the home.
Crime rate statistics also prove that boys who grow up without their father at home go on to commit violent crimes. Today's over-crowded prisons are full of men who did not have their father in their home, or a father figure or mentor in their life.
Here are some other startling statistics:
- 63% of youth suicides
- 71% of pregnant teenagers
- 90% of runaway or homeless kids
- 85% of youth sitting in prisons
- 71% of high school dropouts
- 75% of teens in drug treatment
- 46% less likely to use drugs or alcohol
- 33% less likely to resort to violence
- 59% more likely to get better grades
It's hard for me to personally relate to the sad statistics of fatherlessness, because my Dad was always there for me at home. He was a positive influence and mentor in my life. He taught me to hunt and fish, and took our family camping practically every weekend from the time I was age seven through fifteen.
(My Dad, 1971)
I was at a Men's Wild Game Dinner a couple of nights ago, and a true hero of a man gave a presentation about something we as men can do to take action and help mentor boys who have no dad in their life. When I heard the frightening statistics of how many boys grow up without their fathers at home, I knew that I could not just stand by and do nothing.
For those of you whose lives have been blessed by growing up with your dad at home, or if you had a good man as a mentor in your life, knowing how much you were loved and appreciated, and you had the privilege of being taught to hunt or fish, and were mentored by a dad or caring man who was always there for you; will you please consider taking a kid under your wing and be a mentor for him?
There are basically two kinds of men;
1. Guys who just talk about doing something.
2. Guys who take action and actually walk their talk.
Boys who have been abandoned by their fathers have a broken spirit. But you can help these kids by becoming a mentor and a friend to them.
—At The End of my Line.
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