Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Seasons of Life

While a few hearty souls may enjoy wading freezing rivers, with ice in their guides, and icicles hanging from their beards, I usually opt to hang up my fly rod until early spring.

I was blessed to enjoy many amazing days of fishing this year.

From early February, to Late October, the many faces of a river throughout the changing of the seasons is truly something to behold.

Choosing to vacate my favorite brown trout streams starting in mid-October, I like to give the old spawners plenty of peace and quiet, to ensure there will continue to be a healthy population of new fish in the seasons to come.

It's also very comforting to just say, "It's been good, and that is enough."

In my younger years, no matter how good a day of fishing had been, I would continue to fish until dark like a madman, as long as the fish were still rising. It was never enough for me.

But time and years have a way of changing your perspective and altering your priorities. 

Relationships have become much more important to me than the recreation itself. And while I enjoy fishing alone on occasion, the fellowship within the fishing is priceless. A day on a river spent with your Dad or a best friend, enjoying the creationwell aware of our glorious Creatoris woven into the unforgettable tapestry of your life.

I can count on one hand, the true friends I've had in my lifetime. Friends who "Stick closer than a brother."

Looking back on a remarkable season, what made it so remarkable, were the priceless times of fishing and fellowship that I enjoyed with these true friends. 

And I look forward to another new season in 2015.

As we celebrate this Christmas season, more than anything, I look up, to my best Friend of allJesus, the Son of Godwho has woven us into His story. 

He said:
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends."

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

At the End of My Line.

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